Cultural awareness is so important. In today’s world you need the skills to operate, work and collaborate in a multicultural, global environment. You need to be culturally self aware, cultural knowledge is needed and a real understanding of the ways in which different cultures approach different situations, work etc. It is now essential to have the ability to communicate effectively in a culturally diverse society.
You will probably have expectations about how people should behave as well as about their motivations. The expectations you have are based on your experiences and what you have learned from the people and organisations around you. When you live and work in an increasingly diverse society colleagues, people you work with, people you meet may challenge your way of thinking, the way you look at things and may only partially comply with how you think they should behave. At times you might find it emotionally and mentally challenging to recognise that the people you are working with or trying to support do not necessarily share your way of thinking and acting.
Cultural Awareness Course - Diverse Thinking and Communication for Improved Relationships:
TCfR is running a cultural awareness course that will be available to book a place on our to book us to come to your organisation to run the course for your Board, employees and volunteers.
In order to improve working relationships, integration etc you need to understand where cultural differences are encountered, how they impact and what you may need to do differently. TCfR will help you learn the importance of recognising, interpreting and responding appropriately to cultural differences. You will then become more adapt and flexible when it comes to dealing/working with culturally diverse communities. You will learn the necessary foundation for understanding the dimensions that help us to differentiate cultures. You will have a greater understanding of stereotypes, generalisations and other barriers that prevent you from working closely with and supporting people from diverse backgrounds. You will better recognise different dimensions of culture and how these impact behaviour, communication and relationships.
On the course you will learn:
  • What culture is and the importance of cultural awareness
  • Why is culture important
  • Cultural Differences
  • The benefits of diversity
  • Cross Cultural communications
  • Miscommunication and its consequences
Costs of this course will be updated nearer to the time of the course be ready to run.
For more information and to register interest in the course please email

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss TCfR offering a Cultural Awareness training for your organisation.

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