The Centre for Reconciliation (TCfR) is an interfaith organisation. It works with religious, ethnic and cultural communities in Lincoln and across Lincolnshire, inspiring individuals and communities, in their own contexts, to achieve a global culture of peace. TCfR aims to replace religious and cultural fear and hatred with understanding and respect for others in their community perceived as different, strange or unfamiliar.

TCfR works with faith, cultural and ethnic communities, faith leaders and schools to educate them about other religions and brings them together so new friendships can be formed. Our work prepares members to inspire others in their community to live by shared innate human values and work towards local reconciliation & cooperation, which in turn contributes to a global culture of peace.
Our services include event organising, workshops, training, mediation, counselling and conflict resolution. Longer-term, TCfR are also working towards having a strong and visible presence in the heart of the city through the creation of a safe, inclusive and welcoming space where communities can gather and meet.

Why TCfR? Why did we start TCfR? Is there a need for TCfR?
Why is The Centre for Reconciliation needed? Why have we started TCfR? When we started there was no, and presently there is still no other, organisation reaching out to all aiming to bring all communities together. TCfR acknowledges and builds on previous interfaith and community work in Lincoln and Lincolnshire, formalising the work already happening, connecting all faiths, ethnicities and cultural communities across the county and having formal links with educational and civic institutions. TCfR will provide a unite voice of communities working together for a better society and world.
TCfR is here to enable ethnic minority communities to build confidence to be themselves while promoting integration and understanding. Enabling communities to embrace their own culture, share it with their neighbours and learn from others.
There needs to be one unifying voice for all religions and this is a major reason for establishing the Lincolnshire Faith Council. There needs to be a formal interfaith organisation that brings all faiths together. There is a need for interfaith engagement and dialogue in this city, in this county and in the world. The foundations for establishing LFC are here, networks are in place, we are building on these and formalising them into one formal interfaith council.
TCfR is needed and we are doing work in the county no one else is doing. We provide a community where all feel welcome, where difference is celebrated and all will feel comfortable to attend an be themselves. The cultural and ethnic mix of Lincoln/Lincolnshire is increasing but already established groups/organisations are not always reaching out to these groups. There is a lack of integration and TCfR wants to improve this – encourage integration, celebrate difference and promote unity!