Ruth Subash

Deputy Director

Ruth grew up in Cumbria on the west coast and then in Carlisle. After finishing her A Levels she took a gap year. She spent a few months volunteering at the Henry Martyn Institute, Hyderabad, Southern India and she fell in love with the country. Ruth went on to study a MA in Religious Studies at the University of Edinburgh. As part of her degree she spent the third year studying interfaith relations, Islam and Urdu at HMI. Ruth had a great time in India and it confirmed her love for the country. Ruth completed her final year in Edinburgh an following her graduation she got married in Chennai. Ruth worked as a teaching assistant in Carlisle and then Croydon and found a love for working with children with special educational needs. Ruth began working for TCfR as Development Officer in November 2020 and become the Deputy Director in Summer 2023. Ruth’s role is varied and involves helping to run the organisation and find funding.

Casmir Maazure

Organisation, Project and Education Lead

Dr Casmir Maazure associate lecturer in University of Lincoln. For the past 14 years and has worked in an university environment, assuming various roles ranging from teaching, management, counselling, and other services that support students. Casmir also has experience in fix-term project management roles, planning and implementing organisational strategies and years of experience training teachers to take-up teaching profession. He also has extensive experience performing research and analysis advising leaders of public sector organisations on information technology and creativity in design. Casmir is also The Faith Advisor to the University of Lincoln